Seasonal Adjustments: Keeping Winter Pet Safety Top of Mind

When Old Man Winter comes to town he can bring varied temperatures, rain, sleet, and bitter cold. Pets, too, are exposed to different hazards during winter than at other times of year. To keep your pet protected through the cold months, your friends at Town and Country Animal Hospital are here to give you the scoop on winter pet [...]

Heat Exhaustion in Pets Is Nothing to Sneeze At

As is the case with most catastrophes, heat exhaustion in pets sneaks up on owners. By the time symptoms are noticeable, the situation can be barreling toward perilous at a frighteningly fast pace. The good news is that heat exhaustion in pets is entirely preventable! Minimizing your pet’s exposure to the heat is the best [...]

Sweater Weather: How To Practice Fall Pet Safety

If the autumn season has you thinking about football, crisp days, yummy soups, you’re not alone. Fall is a great time to be outdoors with your pet, too. For dogs, nothing beats a romp in the leaves or a sniff through the hay; and your kitty is probably relishing those midday sunbeams as the days [...]

Prevent a Pet Poisoning: Limit Pesticides and Rodenticides

Rodents are never far from our houses, garbage bins, and picnic tables. They multiply, cause damage or destruction, and even have the potential to spread disease. While a quick, easy application of rodenticide may help control their numbers, rodents can live between 12 hours and 2 days before the poison eventually kills them. In that [...]

Kids and Pets 101: Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Displaying a love for animals, especially dogs and cats, seems to come naturally to most children. For the most part, having a pet (or interacting with one) can be a fun, positive experience for all involved. However, it’s important to ensure the safety and wellbeing of both kids and pets to build a lifelong foundation [...]

Is it Safe to Run with Your Dog? It Can Be!

As a group, dogs are typically ecstatic to leash up and hit the pavement. Sure, many prefer a brisk walk to a full gallop, but a large portion of dogs really, really like to tear it up. If your pup initiates a run, chances are, they’re built for the activity and have the endurance to [...]

Summertime Blues: Common Causes of Summer Pet Anxiety

Does your pet hide in the bathroom when summertime thunderstorms hit? Or, do they try to get under the bed when the 4th of July fireworks start in your neighborhood? As many of us know, sometimes our pets suffer from fears and anxiety. In the summer, we have a few situations that we know are [...]

Does Veterinary Laser Therapy Work Like a Magic Wand?

Remaining on the cutting edge of veterinary medicine creates opportunities for us to treat pets in new and effective ways. We’re proud to offer new modalities to support pet health, especially when an animal is suffering. In the case of veterinary laser therapy, we can work together to treat your pet’s symptoms and offer relief [...]

How to Prevent a Pet Poisoning

Responsible pet owners spend a lot of time and energy trying to keep their pets safe. Sometimes, however, a pet’s curiosity or boredom aligns with a rare opportunity, and before you know it, you’ve got a pet poisoning on your hands. Without a doubt, we bring lots of potentially dangerous items into our homes. Whether [...]

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