Human Medications and Pets: Frequently Asked Questions

When humans feel sick or develop aches and pains, we take over-the-counter or prescription medications to feel better. When pets get sick, some pet owners want to provide their furry pal with the same relief and they offer them their own medication. Unfortunately, pets who are given human medications or who accidentally ingest them can [...]

8 Common Pet Toxins Hiding in Your Home

You do everything you can to keep your pet safe when you venture out, but you may not be aware of the many hidden dangers located inside your home. Dangerous pet toxins that are hazardous to your pet and may lead to a scary pet emergency can be found in nearly every room of every [...]

Xylitol Toxicity is No Treat for Dogs

Most pet owners are aware that chocolate can be toxic for dogs, but xylitol toxicity is less common knowledge. Xylitol is a popular product that shows up in a variety of foods, and our team at Town and Country Animal Hospital is here to explain xylitol, why the substance is harmful to pets, and more [...]

Improve Pet Safety at Home During the Christmas Season

The Christmas season is a busy time of year when your home might look a little different. With bright lights, decorations, holiday treats, and house guests, your household may hold more potential dangers to your pet during the winter season. Since your pets rely on you to keep them safe, it’s important to take extra precautions [...]

Prevent a Pet Poisoning: Limit Pesticides and Rodenticides

Rodents are never far from our houses, garbage bins, and picnic tables. They multiply, cause damage or destruction, and even have the potential to spread disease. While a quick, easy application of rodenticide may help control their numbers, rodents can live between 12 hours and 2 days before the poison eventually kills them. In that [...]

How to Prevent a Pet Poisoning

Responsible pet owners spend a lot of time and energy trying to keep their pets safe. Sometimes, however, a pet’s curiosity or boredom aligns with a rare opportunity, and before you know it, you’ve got a pet poisoning on your hands. Without a doubt, we bring lots of potentially dangerous items into our homes. Whether [...]

Sneeze, Wheeze, Itch, Scratch: All About Allergies in Pets

Watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, and other symptoms of allergies are something many of us have had to deal with, and even if we don’t personally deal with allergies, we know someone who does. Pets can also suffer from seasonal, environmental, and food allergies, although the symptoms may manifest differently than they do in humans. [...]

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