Summertime Blues: Common Causes of Summer Pet Anxiety

Does your pet hide in the bathroom when summertime thunderstorms hit? Or, do they try to get under the bed when the 4th of July fireworks start in your neighborhood? As many of us know, sometimes our pets suffer from fears and anxiety. In the summer, we have a few situations that we know are [...]

Sneeze, Wheeze, Itch, Scratch: All About Allergies in Pets

Watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, and other symptoms of allergies are something many of us have had to deal with, and even if we don’t personally deal with allergies, we know someone who does. Pets can also suffer from seasonal, environmental, and food allergies, although the symptoms may manifest differently than they do in humans. [...]

Show off that Smile! Pet Dental Wellness

February is Pet Dental Awareness Month, and for good reason. Studies show that by the time dogs are 3 years old, 4 out of 5 have some form of periodontal disease. And, cats over the age of 5 have a 50-90% chance of having dental disease. With so many pets affected, it’s no wonder that [...]

The River Welker Fund and Other Ways To Help Animals In Need

As we prepare to gather with friends and family during this special time of year, thoughts inevitably turn to those less fortunate. For animal lovers, the plight of marginalized animals in our community is never far from our minds, and many of us are seeking ways to help animals in need this holiday season. Providing [...]

Too Hot to Trot? Summer Pet Safety for the Four-Legged Crowd

When the weather is classically wonderful (that is, June through August), a dangerous situation can feel somewhat inconceivable, as if danger only happens to someone else. Sure, summer is the season for kicking back and catching up on leisurely activities, but it’s also a time for important safety reminders. Summer risks can present problems for [...]

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