About Town and Country Animal Hospital

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So far Town and Country Animal Hospital has created 88 blog entries.

Common Inherited Conditions in Dog and Cat Breeds

Your pet’s breed determines several inherited traits, including appearance, stature, personality, behavior, and health. Breed is often the key factor that leads pet owners to choose specific pets. However, you must understand the medical conditions your four-legged friend may develop based on their genetics. Our Town & Country Animal Hospital PC team describes potential breed-related [...]

Forever Friend: Determining When To Say “Goodbye” to Your Pet

Knowing when to say “Goodbye” to your beloved pet is one of the most heart-wrenching decisions you may ever face. Your four-legged friend is more than a pet; they're a cherished family member. However, the time may come when you must confront the difficult reality that their health and quality of life are declining. Our [...]

Allergies in Pets Demystified: FAQs

Allergies plague many dogs and cats, causing a life-long battle with chronic discomfort. For pet owners, the constant scratching, licking, and general misery can be tough to watch. The Town & Country Animal Hospital team knows allergies, which often require multiple veterinary visits, can be frustrating for pet owners. We answer frequently asked questions about [...]

Know Your Pet: 9 Indicators Your Pet Needs Veterinary Care

Pets enrich our lives each day by providing love and companionship, but they require care and attention in return. Observing your pet and remaining vigilant about physical or behavioral changes can help you detect health problems before they snowball into advanced conditions, helping to safeguard their quality of life and extend your furry pal’s healthy [...]

Heartworm Disease and Prevention in Pets

Spring has sprung and, with the balmier weather, the insect population has sprung along with this season. Among the most annoying pests is the mosquito, but this tiny insect is more than a pest because it can cause deadly or debilitating diseases in your pet.  You have likely heard about heartworm disease, but did you [...]

How to Care for a French Bulldog: A Complete Guide

Over the past few years, the French bulldog breed has become increasingly popular because of these dogs’ sweet, lovey-dovey nature and bright, bat-eared cuteness. The French bulldog, or Frenchie, is seen everywhere nowadays, and the breed’s wrinkled forehead, short, muscular stature, and signature big ears just beg for attention. But all these unique characteristics also [...]

Human Medications and Pets: Frequently Asked Questions

When humans feel sick or develop aches and pains, we take over-the-counter or prescription medications to feel better. When pets get sick, some pet owners want to provide their furry pal with the same relief and they offer them their own medication. Unfortunately, pets who are given human medications or who accidentally ingest them can [...]

Emergency and Urgent Veterinary Care: Know the Difference

Ensuring the health of your furry pal is a pet owner’s responsibility. Yet, determining a health concern’s urgency can be challenging, especially when your pet needs help after our normal business hours. Can the problem wait, does it require urgent care, or is emergency care more appropriate? The Town & Country Animal Hospital team offers [...]

Mastering Medication: A Guide for Pet Owners

Being a pet owner comes with its joys, but it also brings its fair share of challenges. One common hurdle many pet owners face is the task of giving their furry friends medication. Whether it's popping a pill, applying eye ointment, or dosing ear medication, the struggle is real. However, fear not! Our Town & [...]

Brushing Up on Dental Health: How to Care for Your Pet’s Mouth

While a big, slobbery kiss might be your pet’s favorite way of showing affection, you may be revolted when they lean in for a smooch. Particularly foul breath, brown tartar buildup, and inflamed gums do not make for pleasant kisses, nor do they demonstrate a healthy, pain- and infection-free mouth. Many pets suffer from dental [...]

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