The Power of the Human-Animal Bond

Without question, the bond you share with your pets is a two-way, judgment-free connection that delivers benefits to both you and to your animal companions. At Town & Country Animal Hospital, we’re here to help nurture the relationship you have with your pets through a lifetime of quality veterinary care, training tips, and plenty of support when you [...]

How to Teach Your Cat Tricks

Cats have a reputation for being independent, aloof, and flat-out disapproving, so it might surprise you to learn that you can teach your favorite feline a few simple tricks! Cat Training Benefits At Town & Country Animal Hospital , we know how valuable the bond is between humans and pets. Working closely with your cat [...]

World’s Smartest Dog Breeds

For humans, intelligence and smarts can come in many different forms. It is no different when it comes to dog breeds! “Smart” can mean many things depending on the dog themselves. Different dog breeds come with different traits, and each pet is unique in their intelligence and ability. Some dog breeds are more motivated by [...]

How to Stop an Excited Pet from Peeing on the Floor

You’re making your way in the front door and your dog excitedly runs up to greet you… but then they squat and pee with excitement. Peeing while excited is a behavior that your dog may do to show submission or other feelings they are trying to convey. This behavior is more common in puppies and [...]

The Details of A Dental Cleaning in Pets

Most of us know how important regular tooth brushing, flossing, and visiting the dentist is for ourselves and our families. We regularly have our teeth cleaned and enjoy the feeling of a clean mouth. What if we told you it’s no different for our pets? 85% of dogs and cats will have some form of [...]

Why Well Pet Exams are Essential to Your Pet’s Health

Each year, you may get a reminder from your doctor that it’s time for your annual physical. These pet exams are often the first time changes in health or underlying illnesses are identified, making them essential to preventive medicine. The same is true for well pet exams. Because pets age much more rapidly than humans, these [...]

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