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So far Town Country Animal Hospital has created 68 blog entries.

Leashes and Leads: Dog Leash Safety

Walking your pets can be a rewarding experience for both you and your furry family members. Exercise, fresh air, and spending quality time together are just some of the benefits of leashed walking with your pet. The team at Town & Country Animal Hospital have put together some pet leash safety tips to keep your companions safe [...]

It’s A CATastrophe, DOGgonit! Working From Home With Pets

If you are a pet owner who has started working from home, you have probably experienced a cat butt interrupting an important business Zoom meeting, or a dog who loves to start barking as soon as you log onto a call. Is there a way you can successfully cohabitate and co-work with your furry friends without losing [...]

Calling Dr. Google: The Dangers of Online Veterinary Advice

When something seems “off” with your pet, it can be tempting to jump online and Google their symptoms rather than making an appointment with your veterinarian. The internet can be a wonderful source of information, but it can also be dangerous if the websites you find are outdated or inaccurate. Dr. Google has its place [...]

Ew, Don’t! Just Don’t! 8 Things Your Dog Hates

We’d like to consider our canine companions one of the most laid back friends we know. After all, they tolerate our baby talk, pretty much are down for whatever (as long as it is with us), and love ample quality time on the couch. Still, there are distinct preferences among your pals that include ones most dogs [...]

Seasonal Adjustments: Keeping Winter Pet Safety Top of Mind

When Old Man Winter comes to town he can bring varied temperatures, rain, sleet, and bitter cold. Pets, too, are exposed to different hazards during winter than at other times of year. To keep your pet protected through the cold months, your friends at Town and Country Animal Hospital are here to give you the scoop on winter pet [...]

Ten Things Cats Hate

All cat owners know their feline friends are…particular. While it’s not possible to cater to your cat’s every whim, working to create an environment where they feel happy and comfortable benefits everyone in the household. Not only do happy cats have less behavior problems (aggression, hiding, or eliminating outside the litter box) they make better companions overall. [...]

All You Need is Love, Right? Top 7 Mistakes Made by New Dog Owners

Everyone loves a sweet puppy or adorable furry-faced dog; but when you get down to it, there is more to dog care than appreciating their loveable nature. Much more. New dog owners sometimes go into the adoption only seeing all of the joy, wonder, and unconditional love offered by a pet, but forget that owning a well-behaved [...]

Should I Adopt a Pet With My Significant Other?

Pet adoption is a huge life choice with far-reaching implications. If you’re used to a lot of freedom and financial flexibility, it is time to get ready for a few, rather large, shifts. Pets require a great deal of time, attention, and money, but the rewards are nothing short of amazing! It’s one thing when [...]

Finicky Felines and Picky Pups: When Your Pet Won’t Eat

Most pets have favorite foods and treats, as well as preferences in ingredients that they gravitate to whenever available to them. In general, though, your furry one should have a good appetite unless they are ill or dealing with an emotional stressor. There are times when a pet just won’t eat their food, and this [...]

Heat Exhaustion in Pets Is Nothing to Sneeze At

As is the case with most catastrophes, heat exhaustion in pets sneaks up on owners. By the time symptoms are noticeable, the situation can be barreling toward perilous at a frighteningly fast pace. The good news is that heat exhaustion in pets is entirely preventable! Minimizing your pet’s exposure to the heat is the best [...]

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